
About Me  

My name is Wayne Munro. I was born in South Africa in 1968. I am currently residing in Australia NSW. I was brought up as a Jehovah’s Witness.

Anybody who is familiar with this religion would be aware of the claim by the Jehovah’s Witnesses Governing Body that they are the faithful and discreet slave chosen by God to teach and spread Gods truth which they regard as spiritual food.

For a large part of my life I believed that the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ were the only true Godly organization on earth.

When I walked away from this horrible organization, I attended many other religious institutions and eventually completed my Chaplaincy Degree.  

Two years ago, during covid restrictions and lockdowns in Australia I started to question a lot of what I had been taught both through the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion and the orthodox Christian religions.

Thankfully I discovered I was not alone and was drawn and introduced to a huge faith deconstruction community. It was comforting to know that millions of evangelicals and other faith group members are all on the same journey as me looking for truth.

Many deconstruction members class themselves as spiritual but not religious. Most are not interested in ever putting their foot in a church again. On my journey of deconstruction I have accumulated so much knowledge and new truths which has freed me from all feelings of guilt and shame as well as my anxiety and depression.

It is for this reason I have set up this website as I want to share what I have learnt with others so they too can be free of all the burdens they inherited as a result of being exposed to toxic religious organizations and the people in them.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with religion and want to talk to me about it please know that I am willing to help you work through your questions and challenges with no hidden agenda. I am offering counselling and peer support via email or zoom. You are welcome to contact me anytime via my contact page and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as I can.  

Question: Am I Religous?


  • I do not belong to any religious organization.
  • I class myself as a spiritual person but not religious.
  • I help people to deconstruct their religous beliefs therefore it is important for me to refer to religious material and books eg the Bible, The Koran, Hindu writings and teachings and other religious dogma publications.
  • I offer a safe place where you can share your views freely. I will never ask you to share personal information unless you want to.

My Misson

  • Paul reminds us about Christs law in Gal 6:2. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” New International Version.
  • I want to fulfil the law of Christ by carrying peoples burdens for them.
  • I want to help people attain inner peace.
  • I want to assist people to let go of old harmful Biblical teachings which lead to feelings of guilt and shame.

How to get help!

Please contact me (Wayne) via my contact page.