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Nurturing Friendships

Nurturing friendships
When we plant a tree, we take care of that plant from the smallest stage of growth. We not only nurture that plant with water, air and fertilizers, but also protect it from any damage. Friendship is one such plant. One has to take care of friends, as one takes care of the plants, one grows.

nurturing friendships

Most of us take friendship for granted. But what about our friendship with our creator and His Son?

When Christmas comes around our thoughts turn naturally to the birth of Jesus. Most people think of Jesus as a teacher and a healer, and of course they would be right. But Jesus can also be our friend and comforter if we let Him.

The Bible gives us a wonderful hope for our world. It will not always be  dominated by the violence,  corruption and the evil ways of men – that we see today.

The Bible teaches us that we can have that wonderful hope ourselves and that we will have the opportunity to help Christ when he returns, but we need to do something about it now. We need to understand, to believe and be baptised into the saving name of Christ, if we are to live forever with Jesus in the world to come.

This is what the apostle Paul said when he explained what he was looking forward to:

“Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:8)

So, think about inviting  Jesus into your life as your friend and Lord and King. If you need further information and guidance on how to do this contact us here:

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