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Power of The Church

The Power of the Church Throughout History

The church has always been an institution that has filled people with hope and fear at the same time. These feelings of hope and fear have increased the power of the church.

In addition to the emotional manipulation people have endured the church has always been extremely weatlhy. Their financial power has influenced governments around the world to make certain decisions which favour themselves.

Tax concessions is an example of how churches have convinced authorities worldwide that they are not corporate insititutions making money for personal gain. Instead they are charites that help the destitute.  This sadly is not always the case. Some churches have maniuplated people to part with millions over the years so that they can line their pockets with wealth.

Amongst the financial abuse is sexual abuse which is a topic that is highlighted almost daily in the news around the globe.  This doesnt necessarily mean that all churches are evil. It does however point to a corrupt system which can be easily used to scam people.

power of the church

Because of the trauma that is associated with the bad and evil behaviour of certain churches there is an urgent need for qualified counselors and government departments who people can turn to for help. We started this website to help people realign with God and His Son whilst working through their trauma and bad experiences with the church.  If you need to chat to somebody please register here:  (end article 1)

Article 2

Neither Is There Healing In Any Other Name

The entire context of Acts 3 and 4 is the healing of the lame man at the Temple Gate. This is the occasion of Peter’s declaration that his level of power or holiness had nothing to do with it.

His actions, however, demonstrated that using Jesus’ name for healing had everything to do with the healing of this helpless man.

One verse in these two chapters, Acts 4:12, contains a hidden key to healing by faith. This key is hidden because of the words translated by our English words salvation and saved.

You see the translators gave us this:

Acts 4:12
12 Neither is there SALVATION in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be SAVED. (KJV)

They should have given us this:

Acts 4:12
12 Neither is there HEALING in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be HEALED. (KJV)

Why is this? You see the Greek word for saved and salvation is also one of the Greek words for healed. In other words, saved and healed are translations of the same basic Greek root.

Now, this Greek root is used here in this verse. In this context, however, this Greek root has nothing to do with the salvation of the soul.

This context pertains to the healing of the lame man at the Temple Gate. Read it for yourself and see. The plan, method, necessity or even a question of salvation never occurs in this context.

Therefore, Acts 4:12 above would be more in line with the facts of the context of these two chapters if the verse had read thus: “Neither is there HEALING in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be HEALED.”

In other words, God gave no name for our healing except the name of Jesus. When our “arm of the flesh” has failed, the name of Jesus will work because that is the name God left us for our healing from the start.

Thank God for medical science. They are God’s gift to us. Nevertheless, those times they can’t come through for us, we still have the all powerful name of Jesus.

Mark it well. There is no other name for healing. This is God’s doing. There is no other name for healing. Truly, “neither is there healing in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be healed.”

church trauma and mental health

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